Czech–British workshop on nanomaterials with RCPTM participation

A two-day workshop with participation of Czech and British scientists focused on the research, development and application of nanomaterials was held in Prague, Karolinum, on October 22–23. Leading experts from both countries including RCPTM representatives also discussed future collaboration in this area.

“The aim of the workshop was to discuss collaboration in nanomaterials research. Attendees of this seminar deemed this event very effective and appreciated the fact that the British ambassador to the Czech Republic promotes scientific collaboration between the two countries,” said the RCPTM Executive Director Michal Otyepka, who spoke about the unique chemistry of fluorographene, which he is developing in Olomouc, and which enables the preparation of a wide portfolio of graphene derivatives with high application potential ranging from separation techniques to catalysis. In his contribution, Radek Zbořil focused on low-dimensional carbon nanomaterials with unique magnetic and fluorescent properties. He introduced the audience to the work with nanomaterials beginning with their synthesis and ending with their applications, e.g. in biological imaging.

Source: CUCAM

“Lecturers from the Czech Republic were very highly evaluated by their British colleagues and British partners have expressed their interest in fostering Czech-British collaboration in the field of nanomaterials. Specifically, a postdoctoral fellowship was arranged for a student from Cardiff University at Charles University Centre of Advanced Materials. Colleagues from this centre are preparing an H2020 project with the participation of their British partners. I hope that RCPTM will also start similar collaboration in the future with British partners focusing on the same/similar area. Results of the cutting-edge research presented by RCPTM representatives aroused interest of the participants,” said Otakar Fojt, a British scientific diplomat, who prepared the workshop together with Jiří Čejka from the Faculty of Science of Charles University.
12 speakers delivered a talk, six representing each country. The Czech Republic was represented by experts from the Faculty of Science of Charles University, the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the University of Pardubice and RCPTM. Scientists from the University of Birmingham, the University of Oxford, University College London, Cardiff University and the University of Edinburgh represented the United Kingdom.
