Palacký University is to integrate its scientific capacities into a new higher education institute, the statute of which has just been approved by the Academic Senate

The Academic Senate of Palacký University has approved the statute of the Czech Advanced Technology and Research Institute of Palacký University (CATRIN). The newly-established institute will integrate three university centresCentre of the Region Haná for Biotechnological and Agricultural Research (CRH), Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials (RCPTM) and Institute of Molecular and Translational Medicine (IMTM). Interest in cooperation was already expressed by representatives of the University Hospital Olomouc and the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the CAS. After two years of intense negotiations, Palacký University will open the new scientific institute this October.

“As rector of this university, I am obligated to foster its development. I am convinced that by integrating science and research capacities we will be able to succeed in an international competition,” said Jaroslav Miller, among others, in the run-up to a more than four-hour debate. He accented that every major project will always pose a risk, and remembered the successful collaboration of scientific centres during the coronavirus epidemic.

The dean of the Faculty of Science, Martin Kubala, and the Chairman of the Academic Senate of PřF UP, Tomas Opatrný, also participated in the discussion, expressing their disapproval. The Vice-Rector for Strategy of Science and Research, Pavel Banáš; the Director of the Institute of Molecular and Translational Medicine, Marian Hajdúch; Professor Pavel Hobza; or the director of the University Hospital Olomouc, Roman Havlík, also joined in the discussion.

“We see the institute as a chance of expanding the university, fostering multidisciplinary collaboration, and legislative anchoring of the centres alongside their stabilization. We are open to working with all faculties,” said Ivo Frébort, CRH Director.

RCPTM Director, Michal Otyepka, appreciated that the transition period ended. “I am glad that the tremendous effort finally led to establishing the institute, after two-year long negotiations.  There is, undoubtedly, a great deal of work ahead, but I hope the situation will calm down. I believe, speaking on behalf of the RCPTM staff, that we will do everything to contribute to further improving Palacky University’s positions in an international competition,” said Otyepka.

The statute was approved by 16 yes votes, out of 23 present Senators. It received six undecided votes and one no vote.
