Klára Gajdošová won the award for the best poster in the nanomedicine category

Klára Gajdošová won the award for the best poster in the nanomedicine category at the summer school Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies, Organic Electronics & Nanomedicine (ISSON22) in Thessaloniki, Greece. Her poster entitled ‘Graphene-based Biosensors for Multimodal Detection of Breast Cancer Biomarkers’ is a result of the UP grant Igráček DSGC-2021-0096 Plasmonic Graphene-based Biosensors for Multimodal Detection of Breast Cancer Biomarkers.

“The summer school was divided into three categories—nanotechnology, organic electronics and nanomedicine, with one poster being awarded in each category. I won the Young Researcher Award, in recognition of best poster presentation in the nanomedicine category, beating about another 55 posters across the whole summer school. It was my first experience of presenting our research, so I was very surprised and, of course, pleased about the award,” said Gajdošová. The ISSON22 also included the Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN22) and Nanotexnology Expo conferences.

The young scientist is a member of the research team of a student grant that is focused on the development of a sensitive and easy-to-use graphene-based nanomaterial that could serve as a biosensor for the detection of breast cancer markers. This one-year research was funded by Palacký University with approximately 1.9 million Czech koruna.


