Oblast výzkumu
- Komplexy přechodných kovů (Zn, Cu, Pt, Pd, atd.)
- Biologická (cytotoxická, antiradikálová atd.) aktivita komplexů přechodných kovů
- Infračervená a Ramanova spektroskopie
Vzdělání a kvalifikace
2002 – 2007 | Učitelství chemie pro střední školy a anglická filologie, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci (Mgr.) |
od 2007 | Doktorské studium, Anorganická chemie, Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci |
2007 – 2008 | Vědecký pracovník, Katedra anorganické chemie PřF UP v Olomouci |
od 2010 | Junior Researcher, Regionální centrum pokročilých technologií a materiálů PřF UP v Olomouci |
Publikační aktivita
- Počet publikací (WoS): 9
- Počet citací (WoS): 15
- H-index: 2
Zahraniční pobyty
- duben-červenec 2011 – studijní pobyt na Technické univerzitě Vídeň (Rakousko)
Další aktivity
Hlavní řešitelka FRVŠ projektu (3051/2011/G6) „Inovace výuky předmětu Metody studia anorganických látek Spektrální metody“
Vybrané publikace
- Novotná R., Herchel R., Trávníček Z., Structurally varied Cu(II) complexes involving kinetin and its derivatives: Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of SOD-mimic activity, Polyhedron, 34 (2012) 56–66.
- Trávníček Z., Matiková-Maľarová M., Novotná R., Vančo J., Štěpánková K., Suchý P., In vitro and in vivo biological activity screening of Ru(III) complexes involving 6-benzylaminopurine derivatives with higher pro-apoptotic activity than NAMI-A, J. Inorg. Biochem., 105 (2011) 937–948.
- Trávníček Z., Novotná R., Marek J., Popa I., Šipl M., Transformations of the natural cytokinin N6-isopentenyladenine in aqueous acidic media: structural aspects, Org. Biomol. Chem., 9 (2011) 5703–5713.
- Novotná R., Popa I., Trávníček Z., Zinc(II) chlorido complexes of protonated kinetin and its derivatives: Synthesis, properties and X-ray structure of [Zn(Hkinetin)Cl3]•kinetin, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 365 (2011) 113–118.
- Novotná R., Trávníček Z., Popa I., Synthesis and characterization of the first zinc(II) complexes involving kinetin and its derivatives: X-ray structures of 2-chloro-N6-furfuryl-9-isopropyladenine and [Zn(kinetin)2Cl2]•CH3OH, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 363 (2010) 2071–2079.
Vybrané publikace:
Seznam publikací podle roku
R. Novotna, R. Herchel, and Z. Travnicek, “Structurally varied Cu(II) complexes involving kinetin and its derivatives: Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of SOD-mimic activity,” POLYHEDRON, vol. 34, iss. 1, pp. 56-66, 2012.
Z. Travnicek, M. Matikova-Malarova, R. Novotna, J. Vanco, K. Stepankova, and P. Suchy, “In vitro and in vivo biological activity screening of Ru(III) complexes involving 6-benzylaminopurine derivatives with higher pro-apoptotic activity than NAMI-A,” JOURNAL OF INORGANIC BIOCHEMISTRY, vol. 105, iss. 7, pp. 937-948, 2011.
R. Novotna, I. Popa, and Z. Travnicek, “Zinc(II) chlorido complexes of protonated kinetin and its derivatives: Synthesis, properties and X-ray structure of [Zn(Hkinetin)Cl-3]center dot kinetin,” INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA, vol. 365, iss. 1, pp. 113-118, 2011.
Z. Travnicek, R. Novotna, J. Marek, I. Popa, and M. Sipl, “Transformations of the natural cytokinin N6-isopentenyladenine in aqueous acidic media: structural aspects,” ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY, vol. 9, iss. 16, pp. 5703-5713, 2011.
M. Matikova-Malarova, R. Novotna, and Z. Travnicek, “X-ray structures and spectral characterization of simple ruthenium(II) nitrosyl complexes involving the [RuCl4(NO)(DMS(O)under-bar)](-) or [RuCl4(NO)(H2O)](-) complex anions,” JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, vol. 977, iss. 1-3, pp. 203-209, 2010.
R. Novotna, Z. Travnicek, and I. Popa, “Synthesis and characterization of the first zinc(II) complexes involving kinetin and its derivatives: X-ray structures of 2-chloro-N6-furfuryl-9-isopropyladenine and [Zn(kinetin)(2)Cl-2]center dot CH3OH,” INORGANICA CHIMICA ACTA, vol. 363, iss. 10, pp. 2071-2079, 2010.
P. Starha, R. Novotna, and Z. Travnicek, “X-ray structure and properties of a dinuclear palladium(II) complex [Pd-2(mu-L)(4)] with four adenine-based bridges in a paddle wheel-like arrangement,” INORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 13, iss. 6, pp. 800-803, 2010.
R. Novotna, Z. Travnicek, and I. Popa, “X-ray crystallographic and NMR study of the tautomerism in kinetin, kinetin riboside and their derivatives: A comparison between the solid state and solution,” JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE, vol. 963, iss. 2-3, pp. 202-210, 2010.