Education and Career
1989 | MSc degree (in Inorganic Chemistry) |
1996 | PhD. degree (in Inorganic Chemistry) |
2004 | Full Professor of Inorganic Chemistry |
2006–2018 | Head of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic |
since 2010 | Leader of Research Programme ” Biologically-active Complexes and Molecular Magnets” of the Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials |
Research Activities
- Preparation and characterization of a new type of selected transition metal biologically active complexes and study of molecular magnets and molecular switches based on paramagnetic transition metal complexes.
- Synthesis of hybrid molecular-crystalline nanostructures with a functionalized nanocrystalline oxidic carrier and a bound coordination compound for the use in the area of magnetic applications and targeted drug transport.
- In vitro and in vivo testing of a wide spectrum of biological activities.
Publication activities
(based on Web of Science at January 16, 2025)
- Author or co-author of 342 publications
- 5569 sum of times cited
- H-index: 37
- Patents:
- 2 European patents (EP2636410B1, EP2650000B1),
- 18 national patents (CZ 308426 B6, CZ 307696 B6, CZ 307046 B6, CZ 306966 B6, CZ 305624 B6, CZ 305411 B6, CZ 305585 B6, CZ 305374 B6, CZ 304883 B6, CZ 304045 B6, CZ 303560 B6, CZ 303649 B6, CZ 303417 B6, CZ 303009 B6, CZ 302623 B6, CZ 302618 B6, CZ 307954 B6, CZ 308426 B6),
- 16 national utility models (CZ 33256 U1, CZ 31771 U1, CZ 31254 U1, CZ 29425 U1, CZ 29415 U1, CZ 19706 U1, CZ 20271 U1, CZ 22057 U1, CZ 22616 U1, CZ 23204 U1, CZ 25727 U1, CZ 25875 U1, CZ 27030 U1, CZ 27031 U1, CZ 27032 U1, CZ 33256 U1).
- Book: J. Marek, Z. Trávníček: Single crystal X-ray analysis (Monokrystalová rentgenová strukturní analýza), Publisher: Palacký University in Olomouc Publisher, 2002. 170 pages, 1st Edition, ISBN-80-244-0551-2.
GAČR (Anticancer active coordination compounds with multimodal effect, 21-19060S, 04/2021-03/2024)
GAČR (Complexes of selected transition metals with plant-derived compounds with anti-NF-kB and pro-PPAR dual activities, AT-CZ 21-38204L, 01/2021 – 12/2023)
GAČR (e.g. Functionalized iron oxide nanoparticle-based magnetic carriers with bound biologically active and/or magnetically appealing compounds, P207/11/0841, 2011–2014), FRVŠ and other MŠMT projects (e.g. Research Intention „Transition metal complexes and oxides usable in bio-applications and nanotechnologies“, MSM6198959218, 2005–2011, 136 mil. Kč), IGA-PřF UP.
Supervised more than 10 PhD and 20 diploma theses between 1996 and 2019
Society Membership:
- Czech Chemical Society
- Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association
- American Chemical Society
Selected Publications
Trávníček Z., Vančo J., Čajan M., Malina T., Dvořák Z., Lenobel R., Beláková B., Schmid J. A. Gold(I) N-heterocyclic carbene complexes show strong proapoptotic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects in A2780 and endothelial cells, Chemico-Biological Interactions, 2025, 408, 111381
- Stocchetti S., Vančo J., Bresciani G., Biancalana L., Belza J., Zacchini S., Dvořák Z., Benetti S., Biver T., Bortoluzzi M., Trávníček Z., Marchetti F., Anticancer diiron aminocarbyne complexes with labile N-donor ligands, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2025, 286, 117304
- Fiaschi M., Vančo J., Biancalana L., Malina T., Dvořák Z., Funaioli T., Zacchini S., Guelfi M., Trávníček Z. and Marchetti F. Synthesis and studies of aqueous-stable diruthenium aminocarbyne complexes uncovered an N-indolyl derivative as a prospective anticancer agent, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers,2024,11,2841–2862
Trávníček Z., Vančo J., Čajan M., Belza J., Popa I., Hošek J., Lenobel R., Dvořák Z. Gold(I) N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) complexes containing 6-mercaptopurine derivatives and their in vitro anticancer and anti-inflammatory effects, Applied Organometallic Chemistry,2024;38:e7401
- Trávníček Z.; Vančo J.; Belza J.; Zoppellaro G.; Dvořák Z. Dinuclear copper(II) complexes with a bridging bis(chalcone) ligand reveal considerable in vitro cytotoxicity on human cancer cells and enhanced selectivity, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 2024, 252, 112481
- Medvedíkova M.; Ranc V.; Vančo J.; Trávníček Z.; Anzenbacher P. Highly Cytotoxic Copper(II) Mixed-Ligand Quinolinonato Complexes: Pharmacokinetic Properties and Interactions with Drug Metabolizing Cytochromes P450, Pharmaceutics 2023, 15(4), 1314
- Bresciani G.; Vančo J.; Funaioli T.; Zacchini Z.; Malina T.; Pampaloni G; Trávníček Z.; Marchetti F. Anticancer Potential of Diruthenium Complexes with Bridging Hydrocarbyl Ligands from Bioactive Alkynols, Inorganic Chemistry 2023, 62, 39, 15875–15890
- Iacopini D.; Vančo J.; Di Pietro S., Bordonic V.; Zacchini S.; Marchetti F.; Dvořák Z.; Malina T.; Biancalana L.; Trávníček Z.; Di Bussolo V. New glycoconjugation strategies for Ruthenium(II) arene complexes via phosphane ligands and assessment of their antiproliferative activity, Bioorganic Chemistry 2022, 126, 105901
- Vančo, J.; Trávníček Z.; Hošek J.; Dvořák Z. Heteroleptic copper(II) complexes of prenylated flavonoid osajin behave as selective and effective antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory agents, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry 2022, 226, 111639.
- Massoud, S.S.; Louka, F.R.; Dial, M.T.; Malek, A.J.; Fischer, R.C.; Mautner, F.A Vančo, J.; Malina, T.; Dvořák, Z., Trávníček, Z. Identification of potent anticancer copper(ii) complexes containing tripodal bis[2-ethyl-di(3,5-dialkyl-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)]amine moiety, Dalton Transactions 2021, 50, 11521.
- Massoud, S. S.; Perez, Z. E.; Courson, J. R.; Fischer, R. C., Mautner, F. A.; Vančo, J.; Čajan, M.; Trávníček, Z. Slow magnetic relaxation in penta-coordinate cobalt(ii) field-induced single-ion magnets (SIMs) with easy-axis magnetic anisotropy. Dalton Transactions 2020, 49, 11715–11726.
- Štarha, P.; Trávníček, Z. Non-platinum complexes containing releasable biologically active ligands. Coordination Chemistry Reviews 395 (2019) 130–145.
- Štarha, P.; Trávníček, Z.; Dvořák, Z. A cytotoxic tantalum(V) half-sandwich complex: a new challenge for metal-based anticancer agents. Chemical Communications 54 (2018) 9533–9536.
- Antal, P.; Drahoš, B.; Herchel, R.; Trávníček, Z. Late First-Row Transition-Metal Complexes Containing a 2-Pyridylmethyl Pendant-Armed 15-Membered Macrocyclic Ligand. Field-Induced Slow Magnetic Relaxation in a Seven-Coordinate Cobalt(II) Compound. Inorganic Chemistry 55 (2016) 5957-5972.
- Kašpárková, J.; Kostrhunová, H.; Nováková, O.; Křikavová, R.; Vančo, J.; Trávníček, Z.; Brabec, V. A Photoactivatable Platinum(IV) Complex Targeting Genomic DNA and Histone Deacetylases. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 54 (2015) 14478-14482.
- Nemec, I.; Herchel, R.; Trávníček, Z. Suppressing of slow magnetic relaxation in tetracoordinate Co(II) field-induced single-molecule magnet in hybrid material with ferromagnetic barium ferrite. Scientific Reports 5 (2015) 10761.
- Herchel, R.; Váhovská, L.; Potočňák, I.; Trávníček, Z. Slow Magnetic Relaxation in Octahedral Cobalt(II) Field-Induced Single-Ion Magnet with Positive Axial and Large Rhombic Anisotropy. Inorganic Chemistry 53 (2014) 5896-5898.
- Trávníček, Z. ; Štarha, P.; Vančo, J.; Šilha, T.; Hošek, J.; Suchý, P.; Pražanová, G. Anti-inflammatory Active Gold(I) Complexes Involving 6-Substituted-Purine Derivatives. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 55 (2012) 4568-4579.
- Herchel, R.; Trávníček, Z.; Zbořil, R. Tuning of the Critical Temperature in Iron(II) Spin-Crossover Materials Based on Bridging Polycyanidometallates: Pentacyanidonitrosylferrate(II) and Hexacyanidoplatinate(IV). Inorganic Chemistry 50 (2011) 12390-12392.