News archive: Scientific News In Magnetic nanostructures

Covalent organic frameworks can play a key role in sustainable energy storage
Innovation at the Nanoscale: Unveiling Next-Generation of Carbon Nanodot suprastructures
CATRIN is coordinating a Horizon project to develop an innovative system for early and simple detection of Alzheimer's disease
My dream is a biomass catalytic converter
Supercapacitors must be powerful yet environmentally friendly
Talented scientist headed to Cambridge University to pursue her dream
Breakthrough technology will exploit waste from biodiesel production and improve fuel properties
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Individual Fellowship to support zinc-ion battery development
A nanomaterial from Olomouc could eradicate heavy metals from water
The prestigious EIC project grant has just started
With each new discovery comes joy and excitement
The article in Advanced Materials is among the top ten most-read
Breakthrough in the fight against energy crisis—Czech scientists make chemicals and industrial products from sun and minerals
The development of energy storage devices will be supported by a European grant—unique in the Czech Republic
Nitrogen-doped graphene is suitable for use in supercapacitors
A new nanomaterial that may reduce the manufacturing cost of pharmaceuticals and chemicals resembles the surface of Mars
Graphene acid makes lithium-ion batteries more efficient
New graphene-based electrode material protected by European patent
Czech scientists become first to observe an inhomogeneous electron charge distribution on an atom
Nanomaterial developed in Olomouc helps to detect beef meat adulteration
New material for supercapacitors proves highly stable and eco-friendly
Scientists develop first lead-free perovskite luminescent solar concentrator
Scientists developed highly efficient nanomaterial for theranostic application
Olomouc scientists developed a new way to prevent bacterial resistance
Special issue on single-atom catalysts with dual CATRIN participation
Scientists find a way to efficiently use sulfur in lithium batteries
Scientists propose using carbon dots in lung cancer screening
Graphene acid—a new recipe for removing heavy metals and extracting noble metals from water
Pinning ultrasmall greigite nanoparticles on graphene for effective transition-metal-sulfide supercapacitors in an ionic liquid electrolyte
Tailoring Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Graphene by Phosphorus Doping
Anchoring of single-platinum-adatoms on cyanographene: Experiment and theory
Scientists from Olomouc accelerate chemical reactions with a single atom
A review has highlighted dramatic progress in research on magnetism in graphene and its derivatives
Organické magnety s magnetickým uspořádáním při pokojové teplotě odvozené z sp3 funkcionalizovaného grafenu
Rozsáhlá rodina uhlíkových nanoalotropů: Klasifikace, chemické aspekty a aplikace fulerenů, uhlíkových teček, nanotrubiček, grafenu, nanodiamantu a superstruktur.
Cílený transport léčiv pomocí polymerů a magnetických nanočástic: Kovalentní i nekovalentní přístup, řízení uvolnění léčiv a klinické studie
Na vzduchu stabilní superparamagnetické kovové nanočástice zachycené v matrici grafenoxidu
Silné feromagnetické uspořádání grafenu indukované dopováním grafenu sírou: Vliv koncentrace a substituční mechanismus
Feromagnetismus v grafenu dopovaného atomy dusíku
Vliv stupně oxidace na širokopásmovou nelineární absorpci a na feromagnetické uspořádání v grafen oxidu
Nanočástice nulamocného železa s unikátní 3D sférickou architekturou podporující vyšší účinnost jejich zachycení v krystalové mřížce mědi
Rozvoj Mösbauerova spektrometru v Regionálním centru pokročilých technologií a materiálů (RCPTM)
Iron-Oxide-Supported Nanocarbon in Lithium-Ion Batteries, Medical, Catalytic, and Environmental Applications
Triggering Mechanism for DNA Electrical Conductivity: Reversible Electron Transfer between DNA and Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
Direct evidence of Fe(V) and Fe(IV) intermediates during reduction of Fe(VI) to Fe(III): a nuclear forward scattering of synchrotron radiation approach
Zeta-Fe2O3 – A new stable polymorph in iron(III) oxide family
Theranostics of Epitaxially Condensed Colloidal Nanocrystal Clusters, through a Soft Biomineralization Route