Contemporary Chemistry lecture series continues—RCPTM Director to introduce the world of carbon nanostructures

Director of the Regional Centre of Advanced Technologies and Materials Radek Zbořil will speak as part of the Contemporary Chemistry Lecture Series. He will lecture on Carbon Nanostructures—the World of Multiple Dimensions and Possibilities on the 6th of March in the assembly hall at the Faculty of Science. Radek Zbořil is the second to deliver a talk within this series, after the plant geneticist Jaroslav Doležel. The prime goal of this year’s cycle set by Pavel Hobza, the guarantor of the whole event and a Česká hlava honoree, is to draw attention to the scientific performance in Olomouc.

Physical chemist Radek Zbořil ranks among leading, world experts in nanotechnologies, which has been confirmed by his appearing on the Highly Cited Researchers 2018 list. The selected topic for his lecture is carbon nanostructures as the world of multiple dimensions and possibilities. Research into carbon and metallic materials and their use in biomedicine, catalysis, the environment, and in modern technologies for obtaining new energy resources or energy storage are the key areas of his work. He has been behind the discovery of the thinnest insulator known to date or first carbon-based non-metallic magnets.

“I intend showing the significant progress that has been made with the research into low-dimensional forms of carbon over the past two decades. Particularly, I would like to demonstrate the unique properties of chemically modified graphene and carbon quantum dots including their great application potential,” said Zbořil.

The lecture will begin at 3 p.m. and will be available for the academics as well as the general public. The video will be accessible on the official website of the Department of Physical Chemistry. The series will continue to feature another two speakers—Marián Hajdúch, the director of the Institute of Molecular and Translational Medicine; and Pavel Šaradín, a political scientist.
