Catalysis for a Sustainable World

Friday, May 3, 2019. 10:00 am
Faculty of Science, Assembly hall, 17. listopadu 12, Olomouc
In the past two centuries, scientific understanding of our world provided the basis for the development of new technologies, which dramatically improved the life of mankind all over the world. In this respect, also chemistry & catalysis significantly contributed to better health, enough food, cleaner energy, new materials, and so on. Nevertheless, also problems are associated with these technologies. In this context, in the talk specifically the principle of catalysis will be explained and the pros and cons of catalytic advancements will be discussed using several case studies such as drug development, food production, and material synthesis.
Next to this, the presentation will give some insight how our society will change technology wise in the next decades? Here, the potential of nanotechnology and molecular-defined systems will be presented. As a final example, new ways for sufficient and sustainable supply of energy will be showcased.