CATRIN scientists prepare a special issue of the International Journal of Molecular Sciences

A special issue of the international multidisciplinary journal International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) in the Biochemistry section is prepared by Zdeněk Trávníček and Jan Filip from CATRIN, who have accepted the role of guest editors. They were invited to collaborate by the editorial board of the journal, which is one of the multidisciplinary periodicals presenting scientific results in the fields of molecular studies in biology and chemistry. A special number will focus on hybrid nanomaterials.

“An issue entitled Synthesis and Characterization of Hybrid Molecular Nanostructures should bring up-to-date information about both fundamental and applied research related to hybrid nanomaterials, which is one of CATRIN’s main research areas,” said Professor Trávníček, who is also one of the long-term editors of this journal in the Biochemistry section.

Hybrid nanomaterials represent one of the most evolving research areas of materials engineering and materials science. This is precisely because chemical “conjugates” of organic and/or inorganic compounds can offer unique and synergistic physical and chemical properties. “It is these unique properties that can find application in spintronics, optoelectronics, energy conversion and storage, water monitoring and purification, catalysis, protective coatings, and biomedicine,” explained Jan Filip.

Manuscripts for this special issue are already being received, including review articles, with the deadline being 31 May 2022. Any individual authors or teams that bring high-quality scientific results can contribute to the particular field of science. “If the contribution is approved in an independent review process, the work will be accepted for publication. The preparation of a special issue is time-consuming and takes place in close coordination with the editorial of the journal in question,” added Filip.

IJMS is a renowned international journal that according to Web of Science is classified in the Q1 quartile in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology category and the Q2 quartile in the Chemistry, Multidisciplinary category. Its impact factor IF(2020) is 5,923.
